The Army Career Counseling System is designed to develop leaders, improve force alignment, and impact Army endstrength. Specifically, it allows the career counselor to advise leaders and counsel Soldiers employing the following four phases to manage retention, force alignment, attrition, and RC transition. The system and required counseling sessions are not designed to replace or provide oversight of the unit leader developmental counseling requirements, but rather supplement the process through leader development and Soldier education.
Integration and Professional / Career Development – Vital to the Army’s sponsorship program, integration will assist in reducing turbulence for Soldiers upon initial arrival to their units. All Soldiers will be counseled by their CC to ensure critical areas have been addressed (that is, sponsorship, basic human needs, personnel and financial issues, military pro- grams, and Family support groups). CCs will counsel all Soldiers on understanding the Army. This phase will focus on educating Soldiers on the decentralized and semi-centralized promotion systems, the Army Continuing Education System, various military schools, reclassification, special programs, importance of diverse assignments, finding a mentor, and es- tablishing short-term and long-term goals. This phase will assist in developing the Soldier in the Army as a profession. It is used to provide Soldiers with an update on their development and accomplishment of their goals.
Sustainment – Retains quality Soldiers and enhances Army readiness. Reenlistment enhances Army readiness by aligning the current force with Army force structure requirements based on established priorities at the time of reenlistment. Reenlistment is a tool that supports the Army’s transformation. For those Soldiers that decide to separate at ETS, the career counselor will assist them in continuing to serve with the Army as they transition into civilian life. Transition comes in several forms: enlistment into the ARNG, transfer and/or enlistment into the USAR, or retirement.
Career Development – Applies to Soldiers serving on their second or subsequent term of service in the Army. Counseling is focused on Soldiers considering the Army as a career. This function will educate Soldiers on the centralized promotion system, education (military and civilian), special programs, assignments, retention control points, retirement, NCO Career Status Program reenlistment, mentoring, and establishing short- and long-term goals. Short- and long-term goals established in the professional development phase will be evaluated and tailored to meet the Soldier’s career needs, wants, and desires.