Are you ready to join the world’s most elite, experienced, professional, and dynamic bomb disposal organization?
The Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) is looking for Soldiers interested in attacking, defeating and exploiting unexploded ordnance, IEDs and weapons of mass destruction. EOD Specialists are the culmination of the best tactical and technical training the Army and civilian […]
Category: Retention
EXPLAINED! The Army’s 15-Month Reenlistment Window
The Army’s Reenlistment Opportunity Window (ROW)–the time or “window” qualified Soldiers can reenlist–opens 15-months from your ETS and closes at your ETS! Unless your ETS is October 1, 2021 (Fiscal Year or FY22) or later! “WHEN CAN I REENLIST?” Current Army retention guidance (DAM Pam 601-280, Chapter 3) states that NO Soldier with an FY22 […]
51C Reclassification
Deadline to submit your packet is 30 June 22. The panel dates are: Jul. 18-22, 2022 Required Documents: DA 4187 (Signed by your Company Commander) Soldier Record Brief (SRB) with redacted demographic information (i.e. race and gender). For example, please see example documents All NCOERs All Academic Evaluation Reports (DA 1059s) Last three APFT and […]
Written Bonus Agreement (WBA)
The WBA, within the SRB program, was established by reference (C) to provide the Army with an agile and flexible process to incentivize Soldiers currently on indefinite term reenlistment contracts to continue serving in the Regular Army. This MILPER message is effective on 1 June 2020 and may change after 1 July 2020 without further […]