When it comes to retention, like everything in the Army, there are certain mission guidelines that Career Counselor’s must follow. One of the main guidelines is the Reenlistment Opportunity Window (ROW).
A Soldier’s individual ROW opens 15 months prior to their contractual ETS date, and continues through 90 days prior to their ETS. However, the previous 90–day window restriction has been suspended and may be reinstated without future notice.
The current ROW states that NO Soldier with a fiscal year (FY) 23 ETS (that is an ETS date of 1 October 2022 or later) will enter the ROW at any time during FY20. This applies to Soldier’s entering their ROW beginning 1 October 2020 and ending 30 September 2021.
** Retention works two FY’s at a time: (1) current FY and one FY ahead. Some Soldier’s may not have a true 15 month window due to their contractual ETS date being in the same calendar year and different fiscal year (ex: Current ROW FY21/22; contractual ETS date 15 October 2022 = this is an FY23 ETS date and will not enter the ROW until 1 October 2021).
This is the basic breakdown of understanding the ROW and is not all encompassing.
If you have questions about your ROW please speak with your servicing Career Counselor for more information.